06 July 2014

°dip that ass in gold

dip that[ass]in gold

°i want to dip that ass in gold, i want to dip that ass in gold. i made it over NBA, NFL players. so every time i score it’s like the super bowl. baby, we should hit the south of france. so you could run around without them pants° das sagt kayne west in dem neuen song von the future über das hinterteil seiner frau kim kardashian. wer kann ihm das verübeln? ich finde kurvige frauen auch sexy und vor allem ein schöner runder po ist für mich ein schönheitsideal. also war es klar dass ich mir dieses shirt von millenium club aussuche. ihr findet sie auf instagram [here] und könnt per e-mail bestellen. 

°i want to dip that ass in gold, i want to dip that ass in gold. i made it over NBA, NFL players. so every time i score it’s like the super bowl. baby, we should hit the south of france. so you could run around without them pants° thats what kayne west raps in the newest single of the future. who can blame him? i think curvy women are hot und especially a nice butt is an ideal of beauty for me. so no wonder that i chose this shirt from millenium club. you can find them on instagram [here] and order via e-mail.

xx laura

pants - weekday [similar here] / vest - weekday [similar here] / shoes - zara [similar here] / sunglasses - anderne [here] / lippelstift - topshop [here]

 shop the look 

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